Monday, February 1, 2010

sunday 1/31

wow, i cant believe i haven't posted since wed. of last week. i keep saying life is so busy and crazy right now and i don't have much time for anything but "life". then i think, well, that's ok because if i didn't have a busy crazy life what would my project 365 be about ;)
I've always disliked sundays because that is the end of our weekend and back to routine, rushing and work..... The kids school got 2 new play structures last week so we took them over to play. Nicholas didn't get to play on them at school because the line of kids was ridiculous. We had the entire playground to ourselves so they were able to play as much as they wanted :) I hope everyone is doing well and now i'm off to blog surf and see what i've been missing..


  1. Yes, you have a very very interesting and fun life..God has truly blessed you. hugs

  2. It's so great that you get involved in the park fun rather than stand on the sidelines. It's so obvious how much you love your family!

  3. We don't have anything fancy like that at our schools. Glad they got to go on the weekend to play.
